导演: 克里斯蒂安·曲贝特
编剧: Ariane Schröder / 克里斯蒂安·曲贝特
资源类型:前往并离开百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
主演: 弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨 / 茱莉亚·克斯奇兹 / 于尔根·福格尔 / 米里亚姆·斯坦因 / 沃尔克·布鲁赫 / 约翰尼斯·艾麦亚 / 维多利亚·迈耶 / 汉内洛勒·埃尔斯纳 / 西蒙·波尔 / 利娜多瑞 / 雅尼娜·福茨 / Sean Fenkl / Ina Geerts / Daniela Holtz / Nora Jokhosha
制片国家/地区: 德国
语言 : 德语
上映日期: 2014-08-09(洛迦诺 电影 节) / 2014-10-23(德国)
片长: 95分钟
又名: 我的最后车友(港) / 生命 骑士(台) / 力量之旅 / 前往与离开 / Tour de Force
IMDb链接: tt3273636
今年,汉内斯和琪琪选择了以巧克力和薯条闻名 世界 的比利时,作为他们每年与最好的自行车车友年度骑行的目的地。汉内斯的这个选择其实别有用意。启程后,他才告诉朋友自己患上绝症。最开始,他的朋友完全被震惊了,感觉非常无助,但随着他们的 旅行 逐渐展开,他们开始拥抱一次意义非凡的 冒险 。
Belgium, of all places. What's Belgium got besides chocolates and fries? No matter, this year it was Hannes' and Kiki's turn to choose the destination of their annual bike tour with their closest friends. They all look forward to the adventure, after all they know that what counts the most is the time they spend together. It's only after the tour has begun that Hannes tells his friends that he's suffering from an incurable disease. The trip is to be his last. At first, the group is shocked and helpless, but after they hit the road again, they embark on a wild and one-of-a-kind adventure. Through Hannes, they realize how precious life is. Equipped with a list of things that still remain to do, and aware that nothing will be the same after this trip, they celebrate life as they never did before.


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