导演: 杰德·默丘里奥
编剧: 杰德·默丘里奥 / D·H·劳伦斯
资源类型:查泰莱夫人的情人百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
主演: 荷丽黛·格兰杰 / 詹姆斯·诺顿 / 理查德·麦登 / 朱迪·科默 / 爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特 / 恩佐·科伦蒂
制片国家/地区: 英国
上映日期: 2015-09-06(英国)
片长: 89分钟
IMDb链接: tt4116030
故事 发生在第一次 世界 大战结束之后, 战争 给克里夫特查泰来爵士(詹姆斯·诺顿 James Norton 饰)带来了永久的创伤,亦给他同妻子康妮(荷丽黛·格兰杰 Holliday Grainger 是)之间的 婚姻 造成了无法弥补的缺憾。无奈之下,年轻的康妮只能终日 生活 在压抑之下。 一次偶然中,康妮邂逅了名为帕尔金(理查德·麦登 Richard Madden 饰)的男子,后者是查泰来爵士雇佣的园丁。康妮无法自持的被体格壮硕充满了男子气概的帕尔金吸引着,两人天雷勾地火,很快走到了一起,在帕尔金强壮蛮横的肉体之中,康妮重新找回了身为女人的意义和快乐。然而,好景不长,就在康妮怀上了帕尔金的孩子之后,帕尔金的妻子现身揭露了他们两人的奸情。
In 1913 Connie Reid marries wealthy Nottingham colliery owner Sir Clifford Chatterley but he returns from the Great War disabled and in a wheelchair. Connie is loyal but begins to feel alienated as he engages a nurse, Mrs Bolton, to bathe him and excludes her from pit business. Despite his desire for an heir his impotency results in a lack of sexual activity and Connie is drawn to handsome O live r Mellors, the plain-spoken former miner her husband has engaged as his game-keeper and who represents the passion she craves. They embark upon a physical affair in Oliver's cottage but are discovered and betrayed by Mrs Bolton. Connie, now carrying Oliver's child, must choose between a pampered but joyless existence with her husband or an uncertain future with the man she has come to love.


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