导演: 白石晃士
编剧: 白石晃士
资源类型:温柔杀人者的记录百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
主演: 延济玉 / 金花雨 / 葵司 / 米村亮太朗 / 白石晃士
上映日期: 2014-09-06(日本) / 2014-09-11(韩国)
片长: 86分钟
又名: 温柔的杀人者记录 / 원 컷 - 어느 친절한 살인자의 기록 / A Record of Sweet Murder
IMDb链接: tt3689908
剧情 简介:
记者素妍接到连续杀人犯尚俊的电话,表明接受采访。她带上 摄影 师,依约来到藏身处。尚俊威胁摄影师不准中断录影,接着开始说明杀人的理由。尚俊深陷在自己的说 词 里无法自拔,也揭露了这一连串罪行将如何落幕。杀人、强暴、混乱、恐怖,惊惧交加的素妍只能设法厘清状况,避免可怕的命运降临在好友还有自己身上。
A South Korean journa list and a Japanese cameraman in South Korea are invited to an abandoned apartment one day. They are invited by a murderer and they know it. While there they stumble upon a video featuring the murderer. The police believe the wanted criminal has committed eighteen murders, but the criminal claims he has already killed 25. He furthermore claims that if he completes the killing of all 27 on his list not only his dead friend will be resurrected, but also all 27 will come back to life. A divine voice had told the murderer it would be so.
