导演: Renard Cohen
编剧: Renard Cohen
资源类型:百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 美国
上映日期: 2014-10-12(美国)
片长: 70分钟
又名: 地下能源的隐忧
IMDb链接: tt3464638
剧情 简介:
本片带我们回溯重大公民 运动 :民权运动、女权运动、菸害防制、 环境 保护,再连结到今日,停止开採地下石油与天然气的运动正在壮大,期望能解决气候变迁、迎接永续能源,纪录片探讨燃烧更多的石化能源真的能让地球更乾净吗?
Groundswell Rising, Protecting Our Children's Air and Water capture s the passion of people engaged in a David and Goliath confrontation. They stand together, challenging a system that promotes profit over health. We meet mothers, fathers, scientists, doctors, farmers and people from a variety of points along the political spectrum taking a hard look at energy extra ction not proven to be safe. With the Oil and Gas industry's expansion of fracking seen as a moral issue, this provocative documentary tracks a people's movement, a groundswell rising towards reason and sensitivity, to protect life, today and tomorrow.


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