导演: Stephen Marro
编剧: Stephen Marro
资源类型:冒牌卧底百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
主演: 亚当·斯托克 / 约翰·拉维尔 / Nick Cornish
制片国家/地区: 美国
片长: 88分钟
IMDb链接: tt1737118
百老汇最优秀的是一个 有趣 的 故事 ,三个挣扎的男人冒充纽约市的掩护警察和追捕一个臭名昭著的毒贩,以创造他们自己的尖端警察 戏剧 。为了获得 成功 ,他们进入了秘密警察 工作 的危险 世界 ,以获得制作他们的节目所需的真实材料。当这些准备不足的 侦探 的功绩使他们越来越深入到案件中时,他们被逼到了极致。这些家伙真的知道他们在玩什么吗?他们会在街头的危险中幸存下来吗?在这部严肃的戏剧喜剧中,事情很少像他们看上去的那样。
Broadway's Finest is a diverting story about three struggling men who impersonate New York City under cover cops and chase down a notorious drug dealer in order to create their own cutting edge police drama. Desperate for success, they enter the dangerous world of undercover police work to get the authentic material they need to create their show. As the exploits of the ill-prepared detectives get them deeper and deeper into the case, they are drive n to extremes. Do these guys really know what they're play ing with? Will they survive the dangers of the street? Things are rarely what they seem in this gritty dramatic comedy.


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