导演: 陈凯歌
编剧: 张子良 / 柯蓝 / 陈凯歌
资源类型:黄土地百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
主演: 薛白 / 王学圻 / 谭托 / 刘强
制片国家/地区: 中国 大陆
上映日期: 1984(中国大陆) / 1985-08-10(洛迦诺 电影 节) / 1985-09-10(多伦多电影节)
又名: 深谷回声 / Yellow Earth
IMDb链接: tt0087433
陕北黄土高原上的贫苦女孩翠巧(薛白 饰),自小由父亲(谭托 饰)作主定下娃娃亲。八路军文工团团员顾青(王学圻 饰),为采集民歌来到翠巧家,一段 时间 后,与翠巧家彼此仿佛自家人般。顾青讲述起延安妇女 婚姻 自主的情况,翠巧听后,心生向往。父亲虽善良,可又愚昧,他要翠巧在四月里完婚。顾青行将离去,翠巧要随去延安,顾青有心无力。翠巧弟弟憨憨(刘强 饰)跟着顾大哥,送了一程又一程。翻过一座山梁,顾青看见翠巧站在峰顶上,她用甜美歌喉唱歌送别,顾青深受感动。四月,翠巧在完婚之日,心有不甘决然逃出夫家,划船渡河去追求新的 生活 ……
'Yellow Earth' focuses on the story of a communist soldier who is sent to the countryside to collect folk songs for the Communist Revolution. There he stays with a peasant family and learns that the happy songs he was sent to collect do not exist; the songs he finds are about hardship and suffering. He returns to the army, but promises to come back for the young girl, Cuiqiao, who has been spell-bound by his talk of the free dom women have under communist rule and who wants to join the Communist Army.

黄土地.Yellow.Earth.1984.DVDRip. 国语 .avi(699MB)

资源: 迅雷云盘 提取码:zbwn
资源:百度网盘 提取码:95xs