导演: 司徒永华
编剧: 弗兰西斯·多尔
资源类型:深宫怨灵百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
主演: 凯蒂·萨瓦 / 凯瑟琳·希金斯 / 克瑞姆·柏辛 / 艾兰·霍金斯 / 珠恩·威廉姆森 / 陈钰芸 / 王文杰 / 李依馨 / 西蒙·殷 / 哈利·杜·杨
上映日期: 2017-11-17(中国大陆) / 2013-07-20(富川 奇幻 电影 节)
片长: 87分钟
又名: 后宫诡影 / 后宫魅影 / 鬼迷宫 / 活尸 / Palace of the Damned / Palace Phantoms / Hell's Haunted Palace / Ghost of the Imperial Palace / The Living Dead / The Undead / The Haunted
IMDb链接: tt2510700
剧情 简介:
根据民间广为流传的 清朝 珍妃含恨跳井、冤魂复仇的后宫传说改编。 故事 讲述美国 纪录片 摄制组来到中国探寻传说真相,遭遇凶煞鬼后连环索命,更牵扯出跨越300年时空交织的神秘 灵异 惊天奇案。
Following in the footsteps of her late fiancée, who drowned under mysterious circumstances, Rebecca ( play ed by Katie Savoy) and her film crew are in China making a documentary about the Chinese Ghost Festival. There, she learns of a story about a concubine Chan Ju Chi who is violently murdered and thrown into a well by the head concubine Ping Wei (Played by JuJu Chan) within the secret grounds of a palace. Legend has it that the Chan Ju Chi has risen to become a "jiangshi", killing innocent people in the hope of taking over their bodies. Things take a turn when a worker is attacked in a decrepit well within an old palace. Rebecca tries to piece together the mystery behind the legend as one by one the people she knows are gruesomely murdered.

深宫怨灵.HD720P. 国语 中字.mkv(1020MB)

资源:百度网盘 提取码:vi9e