导演: 曾黎
主演: 徐冬冬 / 恩璟 / 倪新宇
资源类型:特工狂花百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
制片国家/地区: 中国 大陆
语言 : 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2020-08-27(中国大陆)
故事 主要讲述东南亚最大的贩卖人口组织头目巴颂在自己的私人俱乐部设宴,宴请 世界 各地 犯罪 组织头目。雅美 成功 地潜入俱乐部执行任务,为了掩护同伴的离开,雅美独自一人引爆了炸弹,消失在火光中,为与未婚夫方立在一起制造了假死。三年后,方立被劫持,雅美只能被迫执行任务解救方立,经过重重难关最终救下了方立,并向相关部门递交了犯罪集团的犯罪记录和证据,巴颂的犯罪组织被一网打破。
Basong, the leader of Southeast Asia's largest human trafficking organization, hosts a banquet in his private club for the heads of criminal organizations around the world. Daimei, Qingwen, Qingfei and Yamei successfully sneak into the club to carry out the task. Yamei's target was bashong, but she could only exchange with Daimei because of an accident. In the process of carrying out the mission, Daimei was in danger, fort unately Yamei arrived in time. The alarm of the criminal organization goes off. In the scuffle, Yamei rescues Demi. In order to protect her companion's departure, Yamei detonates the bomb alone and disappears in the fire.
特工狂花.2020.HD1080P. 国语 中字.mp4(1.96GB)
资源:百度网盘 提取码:gh6z
资源:UC网盘 (普通用户也不限速哦~)