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电影 2025-03-18 984 0

导演: 高峰

编剧: 邢原平 / 陈文贵

主演: 刘佩琦 / 曹云金 / 罗昱焜 / 李子雄

类型: 动作 / 历史 / 战争

官方网站: loong.1905.com

制片国家/地区: 中国 大陆

语言 : 汉语普通话 / 法语

上映日期: 2017-08-04(中国大陆)

片长: 112分钟

又名: The War of Loong

IMDb链接: tt7345928


剧情 简介:

1885年,法军进攻越南凉山,驻守清军不战而退, 清朝 政府的统治地位遭到威胁,慈禧召集众臣商讨派谁挂帅,最终启用了年近七旬的退隐老将冯子材(刘佩琦 饰),但当时广西军民已被法军的残忍手段吓破胆,有严重畏战 情绪 。为了激励军民,冯子材出奇兵 成功 伏击攻克龙临镇的北非雇佣军,生擒黑人上尉克拉克,并当众与其决斗,刀斩悍敌,振奋军心。 冯子材亲自勘察地形,修建关前隘,率领人马伏击尼格里的炮弹运输船,不料落入尼格里的陷阱,损失惨重。依南也遭法军生擒,所幸法军驻地的越南女子阮月偷偷放走了她,还给她指引了去找黑旗军将领刘永福的道路。被激怒的尼格里,不等炮弹和援军到来,就对关前隘发动了全面攻击,冯子材持刀率先杀敌,全军振奋,猛烈出击,与法军进行一场惨烈的白刃格斗……

The movie is based on a real historic event. During French's invading war against China in 1885, the French army took over Zhengnan Guan located in the Guangxi Province. Wishing to protect their beloved country, the 70 years old General Feng Zicai and his two sons volunteered to join the battle. The general understood it would be a difficult battle to win as the French soldiers held much more advanced equipment, resources and weapons. To show his devotion and determination, he brought his own coffin alongside with him to the war zone. He also utilized his experience with the Zhangnan Guan terrain to pave out strategies, made weapons applicable to their situations. These action s bolstered the morale tremendously, and prepared them well for the war. As a result, although the Chinese soldiers sustained heavy losses, they turned the tide of the battle and won.


龙之战.The.War.of.Loong.2017.HD1080P. 国语 中字.mp4(2.14GB

资源: 百度网盘




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