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电影 2025-03-18 216 0

导演: 辛建宗

编剧: 辛建宗

主演: 钟瑶 / 大久保麻梨子 / 班铁翔

类型: 剧情

制片国家/地区: 中国 台湾

语言 : 汉语普通话

上映日期: 2017-08-25(中国台湾) / 2016-05-22( 城市 游牧影展)

片长: 80分钟

又名: Aground



「泽水困」,引自《易经》四十七卦卦象─泽中无水,象徵著陷入困境,需静候时机之意。如同四十七卦异卦相叠的结构, 故事 自两条叙事开始延展,一边是在山中 经营 民宿的老纪,一边是入住民宿的琴。琴到来的这日,老纪将房子交给她后便离开了。走出深山的老纪来到医院,看似是要照护一名肢体障碍青年,实则却百般粗暴地对待他,在少年的苦苦哀求下,老纪於是带著他前往一处与世隔绝的海上沙洲,夜裡,少年唱起了一首绿岛新生之歌。另一边,一 个人 住在山裡的琴,被突然出现的 日本 女子赶出了民宿。而后日本女子遇见了另一位旅人─腾,她让他住进了民宿旁的帐篷,曖昧情愫逐渐在两人之间滋生。那晚,腾以布袋戏演出新编的西 游记 ,戏中,孙悟空变出了分身孙空悟,但孙空悟却不听本尊的命令,两隻猴王大打出手。琴与日本女子,老纪与青年,孙悟空与孙空悟,在这个月圆的深夜裡,他们面面相对,而尘封多年的仇恨,终於将要一次爆发…。

"Stagnant water" is quoted from the fort y-seven hexagrams in the book of changes - there is no water in the water, which means that we are in trouble and need to wait for the opport unit y. In the forty-seven divinatory symbols, the story of the two hexagrams is extended from the old to the old. On the day of Qin's arrival, old Ji gave her the house and left. After walking out of the mountains, Lao Ji came to the hospital seemingly to take care of a physically handicapped young man, but in fact, he treated him rudely. Under the young man's pleading, he took him to an isolated sea sandbank. At night, the young man sang a song of green island's rebirth. On the other side, Qin, who live s in the mountains, is drive n out of the B & B by a Japanese woman who suddenly appears. Then the Japanese woman met another traveler - Teng, she let him live in the tent next to the B & B, and the ambiguous feelings gradually grew between them. That night, Tengyi puppet opera performed a new journey to the West. In the play , Sun Wukong became a part of sun Kongwu, but sun Kongwu didn't list en to his father's command, and the two monkey kings fought each other. Qin and Japanese women, old Ji and youth, Sun Wukong and sun Kongwu face each other in the full moon night, and their hatred for many years will break out once again.

泽水困.Aground.2016.HD720P. 国语 中字.mp4(1.04GB

资源: 百度网盘




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