导演: 杜玉贞
编剧: 杜玉贞
资源类型:午夜43路百度云盘下载 百度网盘 下载
主演: 张兆辉 / 周俊伟 / 李梓宸 / 蔡瀚亿 / 邵音音 / 潘绍聪 / 陈颖欣 / 蔡明芳 / 赵慧珊 / 许雅婷 / 陈志健 / 周家怡 / 龚慈恩 / 廖子妤 / 林芊妤 / 吳佩孚
制片国家/地区: 中国 香港
上映日期: 2014-09-04(中国香港) / 2015-06-26(中国大陆)
片长: 83分钟(中国大陆) / 95分钟(香港)
又名: Twi light Online
IMDb链接: tt3587128
剧情 简介:
七月十四,猛鬼横行。阴风惨淡的港府,上演着一幕幕惊心动魄的 灵异 事件。屯门友爱村某公寓,有人报警一名红衣女子尖叫着跳楼身亡。神探古爷(张兆辉 饰)带领新人B仔(蔡瀚億 饰)匆匆赶到,却发现现场没有任何痕迹,录像器材也未记录下相关影像。拒绝相信灵异事件的古爷执拗地沿着红衣女子的身份展开追查。与此同时,灵异节目《恐怖在线》的主持人带领邦sir和几名妙龄女子来到屯门汀九村那所素有猛鬼学校之称华洋小学 探险 。谁知队员接二连三失踪,女鬼似乎和邦sir有着千丝万缕的关系,而其真实身份更可追溯到十年前那起惨烈的巴士坠落事故。
On the fourteenth of July, fierce g hosts are rampant. In the bleak and gloomy Hong Kong government, there are scenes of soul stirring supernatural events. In an apartment in Youai village, Tuen Mun, a woman in red screamed and jumped to death. The detective Gu Ye (Zhang Zhaohui) led the newcomer B Zai (CAI Hanyi) to rush to the scene, but found that there was no trace on the scene, and the video equipment did not record the relevant image s. Gu Ye, who refuses to believe the supernatural event, doggedly pursues the identity of the woman in red. Meanwhile, the host of the supernatural program "Terror online" led Bang Sir and several young women to e xplore the Huayang primary school in Tingjiu village, Tuen Mun. However, the female ghost seems to be closely related to bang sir, and her real identity can be traced back to the tragic bus crash ten years ago.