导演: 龙中华
编剧: 龙中华
资源类型:裸山百度云盘下载 百度网盘 下载
主演: 尧智巍 / 赵雨程
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 中国 大陆
语言 : 汉语普通话 / 贵州方言
上映日期: 2010
片长: 87分钟
该片获得圣塞巴斯蒂安 电影 节最佳 剧本 及最佳导演奖,讲述了云南腾冲县的一个小山村里发生的 爱情 故事 。一个普通的农村姑娘俞美丽,因长了一脸“克夫斑”,一直嫁不出去;一次去集市卖羊途中遇到大庆,起初俞美丽并不看好大庆,然而大庆的淳朴和真诚逐渐感染了俞美丽,两人情投意合,但因为大庆的 工作 不好遭到了俞父的反对。当俞父终于认可大庆,大庆却死于意外。俞美丽治好了斑,身穿新娘服来到大庆的灵堂上,她实现了自己曾许下的承诺……
The film won the best screen play and best director award at the San Sebastian Film Festival. It tells a love story in a small mountain village in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province. Yu Meili, an ordinary rural girl, has been unable to get married because she has a "Kefu spot" on her face. Once she met Daqing on the way to sell sheep in the market. At first, Yu Meili didn't think much of Daqing. However, the simplicity and sincerity of Daqing gradually infected Yu Meili. They agreed with each other, but they were opposed by Yu's father because of their poor work in Daqing. When Yu Fu finally recognized Daqing, Daqing died in an accident. Yu Meili cured the spot, dressed in bridal clothes, came to the spirit Hall of Daqing. She realized her promise.
裸山.Bsre.Mountian.2010.HD1080P. 国语 中字.mp4(1.04GB)
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