导演: 邱礼涛
编剧: 叶天成 / 欧冠英 / 黎倩仪
主演: 谢天华 / 吴镇宇 / 黄宗泽 / 杜汶泽 / 惠英红 / 徐子珊 / 文咏珊 / 廖启智 / 麦长青 / 林雪 / 金刚 / 欧阳靖 / 蒋志光 / 刘兆铭 / 朱晨丽
制片国家/地区: 中国 香港
上映日期: 2011-12-29(中国香港) / 2012-03-02(中国大陆)
片长: 84分钟
又名: 潜行狙击 电影 版 / Laughing Gor之潜罪犯 / Turning Point 2
IMDb链接: tt2186875
剧情 简介:
承接《潜行狙击》电视剧结局,梁笑棠(谢天华 饰) 谋杀 苏星柏(黄宗泽 饰)罪名成立,判处无期徒刑;梁笑棠在狱中结识大学教授霍天任(吴镇宇 饰),教授外表斯文,与世无争,但却能以 心理 陷阱收服穷凶极恶的 “巨川”(林雪 饰)。其实教授是高智商的犯罪心 理学 家,擅用冷读法,可以洞悉对方心理活动和秘密,于无声中掌控他人。 神秘女子(文咏珊 饰)到狱中探望梁笑棠,其隶属比警队更高层次的保安局,原来,梁笑棠入狱是再次担当卧底角色。当日,杀苏星柏是另有其人,保安局副局长(麦长青 饰)怀疑整件事跟潜藏警队中的黑警团伙有关,所以借势令梁笑棠入狱展开调查。
Laughing is judged guilty of murdering gang lord Michael So and is sentenced to life imprisonment. Locked up behind bars, he meets the seemingly benign inmate Fok Tin Yam, a university professor in criminal psychology who is jailed for drug possession. Highly intelligent and manipulative, Fok reveals the power of his mind games by ef fort lessly subduing the violent prison bully. He also deduces that Laughing is sent to the prison on an undercover mission to find out the rogue cops within the police force. The clues lead him to inmate Chit, a former sergeant from the Narcotics Bureau who has been suffering from a mental disorder. To unlock the critical info rmation from the deranged man, Laughing must get the help of Fok, but this enigma tic figure has an agenda of his own.
