导演: Jason Mills
编剧: Jason Mills
主演: Steve Baran / Jackson Berlin / Lee Tomaschefski
制片国家/地区: 美国
上映日期: 2018-03-09(美国)
又名: Alien Psychosis
片长: 67分钟
IMDb链接: tt8327962
剧情 简介:
Ryan O'Neil是一位在战斗中受伤后患有PTSD的退伍军人,他怀孕的妻子斯蒂芬妮回到家中。她的哥哥托尼是一个腐败的警察,她的丈夫一直在为这个国家服务,她一直在帮她。瑞恩和托尼从来都不喜欢对方,而托尼试图干涉他们的 婚姻 ,事情变得激烈起来。但是,当瑞恩在夜晚开始在他的房子里闪现出杀手,外星人和其他奇怪 生物 的闪光和幻影时,他不确定这是真的还是只在他脑海中。斯蒂芬妮已经和瑞恩在一起,对丈夫的 行为 深表担忧。随着岁月的流逝,瑞恩很快就会发现他的噩梦在他身上萦绕着什么邪恶的存在。
Ryan O'Neil, a War Veteran suffering from PTSD after being wounded in combat, returns home to his pregnant wife, Stephanie. Her brother Tony, a corrupt cop, has been helping her out while her husband has been serving the country. Ryan and Tony have never been fond of each other, and things get heated as Tony attempts to meddle with their marriage. But when Ryan starts to have flash es and visions of killers, extra terrestrials, and other strange beings in his house at night, he's not sure whether it is real or if it is just in his mind. Stephanie, already on edge with Ryan, is deeply concerned about her husband's behavior. As the days go by, Ryan will soon find out what sinister presence has been haunting him in his nightmares.


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