导演: 郑伟文
编剧: 郑剑锋
资源类型:赌侠之人定胜天百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 张家辉 / 杨恭如 / 杜德伟 / 周文健 / 李蕙敏 / 李灿森
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 中国 香港
上映日期: 2003-06-04
片长: 84分钟
又名: 千王之王2003 / Fate Fighter
IMDb链接: tt0441232
剧情 简介:
罗姓富豪笃信命理之说,为保财运使正室与女仆分别怀孕,日后两名儿子同时出生,高姓大师判定两子为旺财星跟灾星转世……一晃多年,香港街头又多了一名潦倒青年罗四两(张家辉 饰),四两封赌必胜,但却会给亲人带来灾运,自从三岁时克死生父,便由三叔抚养成人,身边只有青梅竹马的好友阿花(杨恭如 饰)不时照顾搭救。而四两同父异母的兄弟司徒定一(杜德伟 饰)却在高师傅维护之下财运亨通,更兼赌术超人轻松羞辱赌王李大胜。定一为保持好运将四两控制在手中二十余年,直至四两被李大胜关入赌术研究中心。四两在中心结识一“外星遗孤”(李灿森 饰)并终于发现自己其实一直 生活 在假象之中。面临 人生 大难的定一为转运 设计 陷害四两,兄弟之战在所难免……
Two brothers, Yat and Leung, with different mothers have different fates. After Leung and his mother being expelled from the family, they are housed by a feng shui master . Leung is a lucky guy and brings a good fort une to his mother. On the other side, Yat's presence poses a tragic threat to his family. Eventually, Yat's parents die and Leung's mother decides to raise Yat and the two boys exchange their names. However, their live s will turn upside down when they reach the age of thirty. The only way Yat can retain his luck is to overtake all the good luck from Leung.
资源:UC网盘 (普通用户也不限速哦~)