导演: 雪莉·霍曼
编剧: 华莉丝·迪里 / 雪莉·霍曼 / Cathleen Miller / Wüstenblume
资源类型:沙漠之花百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: Soraya Omar-Scego / Idriss Abdillahi Houfaneh / Awa Saïd Darar / Roun Daher Aïnan / Osman Aden Dalieg / 莉亚·科贝德 / 莎莉·霍金斯 / 梅拉·沙尔 / Anna Hilgedieck / Lucrezia Phantazia / 克雷格·帕金森 / Matt Kaufman / 蒂莫西·斯波 / Prashant Prabhakar / 安东尼·麦凯 / 提姆·塞菲 / 特蕾莎·邱吉尔 / Eckart Friz / 茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森 / 奈杰尔·贝茨 / 阿纳斯塔西娅·希尔
官方网站: www.desertflower-movie.com
上映日期: 2009-09-24
片长: 128分钟
又名: Wüstenblume
IMDb链接: tt1054580
《沙漠之花》讲述了华莉丝(莉亚•科贝德 Liya Kebede 饰)出生在索马里的沙漠和母亲过着游牧 民族 的 生活 。在三岁时,华莉丝按照索马里习俗就被施以 女性 割礼。十二岁时父亲为了得到五头骆驼,要将华莉丝嫁给六十岁的老叟。就在出嫁前夜,华莉丝在母亲的默许下,在沙漠中徒步很久投奔摩加迪沙的外祖母,也在外祖母那里获得了去给当时索马里驻英国大使夫人的姨妈作女佣的机会。到英国后不久,索马里爆发 战争 ,旧政府被推翻,华莉丝趁乱再次出逃大使馆而流浪英国街头。华莉丝在街头邂逅了收留自己的玛丽莲(莎莉•霍金斯 Sally Hawkins 饰),跟着又在打工的餐厅里遇到伯乐,最终被发掘成为 世界 名模,并投身于妇女解放事业。
Wallis (Liya kebede) was born in the desert of Somalia and live d a nomadic life with her mother. At the age of three, Wallis was circumcised in accordance with Somali customs. At the age of 12, my father wanted to marry Wallis to a 60 year old man in order to get five camels. On the night before her marriage, with her mother's acquiescence, Wallis walked in the desert for a long time to go to Mogadishu's grandmother, who also got the chance to work as a maid for the aunt of the then Somali ambassador to the UK. Shortly after arriving in the UK, war broke out in Somalia, the old government was overthrown, and Wallis took advantage of the chaos to flee the embassy again and roamed the streets of Britain.
Wallis met Marilyn (Sally Hawkins) on the street, and then met Bole in the restaurant where she worked. Finally, she was discovered as a world famous model and devoted herself to the cause of women's liberation.