"Outfield Menace" is the tale of Kurt, a fifteen-year-old baseball player , living in a small, 1950s, Indiana town. During a confrontation with Angel, the resident bad boy of Blackford High School, Kurt attacks Angel, earning the wrath of the most dangerous gang in town. When Angel finally corners Kurt, however, something happens that Kurt wouldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams. As the murder of a local boy is uncovered, suspicion is cast upon Angel, but Kurt has learned there's more to Angel than his bad boy image . Angel has a secret, however, that could get both Kurt and himself killed. "Outfield Menace" is a story of friendship, love, adventure, and perilous danger. Information on Mark's upcoming books can be found at markroeder.com and he can be reached directly at markaroeder@yahoo.com. Those wishing to keep in touch with others who enjoy Mark's novels can join his fan club at http: //groups.yahoo.com/group/markaroederfans.