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The Success Equation

出版刊物 2025-02-24 753 0

The Success Equation


What role, exactly, do skill and luck play in our successes and failures? Some games, like roulette and the lottery, are pure luck. Others, like chess, exist at the other end of the spectrum, relying almost wholly on the skill of the player s. But in every other domain--from business, to investing, to sports--skill and luck seem almost hopelessly entangled. In his provocative new book, Michael Mauboussin untangles the intricate strands of skill and luck, defines them, and provides useful frameworks for analyzing their relative contributions. He offers concrete suggestions for how to put these insights to work to your advantage in business and other dimensions of life. Among the insights that Mauboussin reveals: * When your skill is greatest in different domains (the "arc of skill") * Why you want to increase randomness when you're the underdog * Why understanding reversion to the mean is crucial * How to find the right statistic * Why social ties can greatly increase a product's chances for success Showcasing Mauboussin's trademark wit, insightfulness, and analytical mind, Skill versus Luck is a must-read for anyone seeking to make better decisions--in business and in life.

[美]迈克尔•莫布森(Michael J. Mauboussin),哥伦比亚商学院教授,圣塔菲研究所成员,研究领域横跨 心理 学、竞争策略、 金融管理 、复杂 系统 理论等,是 当代 复杂 科学 领域的领军 人物 ,曾获得 美国 “商学院年度杰出教授”、“卓越教学奖”等奖项。

现任美盛资产管理公司首席 投资 策略师,曾任 瑞士 瑞信 银行 董事总经理兼美国分行首席投资策略师,在金融服务业 工作 超过25年,曾入选“全美投资分析师”、《 华尔街 日报》“全明星分析师”、“华尔街最有影响力人物”。

文章常见于《时代》《福布斯》《华尔街日报》《哈佛 商业 评论 》《 财富 》等,另著有《反直觉 思考 》《魔球 经济 学》《期望投资学》等畅销书,作品被翻译成14种 语言 出版,并入选《商业周刊》“年度十佳商业书”、“史上百大 经典 商业书”等。





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