John W. James and Russell Friedman have been working with grievers for more than thirty years. They have served as consultants to thousands of bereavement professional s and provide Grief Recovery Seminars and Certification Programs throughout the Unites States and Canada. They are the founders of The Grief Recovery Institute®. More at http://www.grief.net/胡连新,广东 医学 院。另有译著: 心理 咨询师与心理治疗师释惑系列,包括《虐待》《成瘾》《心理治疗与 法律 》和《心理 健康 与精神疾病》。内容简介
《哀伤平复自助手册(纪念第1版20周年修订版)》内容简介:最新修订,内容更丰富,帮助人们在 人生 所失的哀伤中释怀的最 经典 读物,帮助你真正走出哀伤,重拾快乐。如果我们依然介怀过去的哀伤,往日的苦楚将如影随行,我们怎能重拾快乐?《哀伤平复自助手册(纪念第1版20周年修订版)》John W. James和Russell Friedman两位作者和声细语,讲述着他们自己的 故事 ,分享着他们哀伤辅导的经历,带领你走出往日的阴影,重新找回 生命 的活力,发现人生新的希望。《哀伤平复自助手册(纪念第1版20周年修订版)》中的内容都基于 成功 的哀伤辅导项目, 阅读 《哀伤平复自助手册(纪念第1版20周年修订版)》并认真采取行动,将助你远离哀伤,平复心中所有的伤痛。
John W. James and Russell Friedman have been working with grievers for more than thirty years. They have served as consultants to thousands of bereavement professionals and provide Grief Recovery Seminars and Certification Programs throughout the Unites States and Canada. They are the founders of The Grief Recovery Institute®. More at http://www.grief.net/