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Your Own Worst Enemy

出版刊物 2025-02-17 552 0

Your Own Worst Enemy


Do you suffer from any of the following?

  • Procrastination
  • Wide swings of mood and self-esteem

    Ambivalence in making decisions

  • Dreaming big, but never following through

    If you or someone you love isn't living up to his or her potential -- and suffers from even one or two of the above feelings -- here is a program that can help. Your Own Worst Enemy is the first book devoted to the problem of adult underachievement, a problem stemming from common behavior patterns that can manifest itself in almost every walk of life -- from twentysomethings stuck in dead-end jobs to outwardly successful businesspeople who can't help feeling they've missed their true calling.

    In Your Own Worst Enemy, Dr. Kenneth Christian details the telltale signs of what he calls self-limiting behavior -- everyday habits that can seem harless (like taking unchallenging jobs) or even worthwhile (like setting absurdly high standards), but that over time can send high-potential people into a tailspin of dead ends and frustration. He identifies underachieving types, from charmers, who substitute congeniality for ef fort , to extreme risk-takers, who casually gamble their future away, to best-or-nothings, who refuse to play if they can't win. And he offers practical 15-step guide to help underachievers shake off their old habits and start taking an active hand in their own future.

    Filled with persuasive case studies and useful advice on everything from overhauling workspace to remaking self- image , Your Own Worst Enemy will help underachievers everywhere visualize their goals, break through their barriers, and start realizing their unlimited potential.

    肯尼斯.克利斯汀Kenneth W. Christian

    享譽國際的 心理 學家,臨床執業近30年。1990年創辦「極限潛能計畫」(Maximum Potential Project),經常受邀於美國、歐洲等國家演講,多年來協助過數千人突破低成就的心理障礙,順利在事業與生涯上 成功 起飛。本書是他最重要的著作之一,所提出的觀點與 方法 出版之後,引起廣大迴響,並引起熱烈討論。





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