A heartwarming picture book tale of the power of the small, from bestselling author and retired NASA astronaut Commander Mark Kelly. Astronaut Mark Kelly flew with “mice-tronauts” on his first spacef light aboard space shuttle Endeavour in 2001. Mousetronaut tells the story of a small mouse that wants nothing more than to travel to outer space. The little mouse works as hard as the bigger mice to show readiness for the mission . . . and is chosen for the flight! While in space, the astronauts are busy with their mission when disaster strikes—and only the smallest member of the crew can save the day. With live ly illustrations by award-winning artist C. F. Payne, Mousetronaut is a charming tale of perseverance, courage, and the importance of the small!
[美] 马克•凯利(Mark Kelly)/文
2011年5月,身为 美国 海军 上校的马克•凯利,搭乘 航天 飞机“奋进号”指挥最后一次飞行任务。马克•凯利毕业于美国商船学院,拥有美国海军研究生院的硕士学位。他曾四次飞向国际空间站,是一位功勋卓著、经验丰富的宇航员。作为一位海军飞行员,他曾于1991年在“沙漠风暴行动”中执行了39次战斗机飞行任务。他曾与妻子加布丽埃勒•吉福兹、合作者杰弗里•扎斯洛合著《盖比:勇气与希望并存的 故事 》一书。《老鼠宇航员》是马克•凯利的第一本 儿童 作品。
[美] C. F. 佩恩(C. F. Payne)/图
C. F. 佩恩为许多 绘本 做过插画 工作 。由其插图、菲尔•布林德所著的《不穿鞋的乔和他的棒球棍》《火鸡碗》两本图书曾获得美国得州矢车菊图书奖(Texas Bluebonnet Award)。他也为约翰•利思戈所著的《纽约时报》畅...