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出版刊物 2025-02-11 1056 0


Dr Lee Su Kim is a Malaysian author, educator and cultural activist. She is the author of a trilogy of short stories on the Peranakans: Kebaya Tales, Sarong Secrets and Manek Mischiefs. Kebaya Tales won First prize in the Popular-Star Readers' Choice Awards 2011(Fiction).
Dr Stephen J. Hall is a multilingual New Zealander who has live d and worked in Singapore and Malaysia since 1991. He is currently Professor and Head, Centre for English Language Studies, Sunway University, Malaysia. He has taught university, secondary and primary levels in the Asia Pacific region.



Now back after 20 years with brand new word s, express ions and idioms, this hilarious classic remains packed with humour, irreverence and loads of fun. It bids all Malaysians to light en up, laugh at ourselves and revel in our unique, multicultural way of life.

Forget about tenses, grammar, pronunciation, and just relek lah … Aiyoh. Manglish or Malaysian English is what Malaysians speak when we want to connect with each other or just hang loose. Borrowing from Malay, Chinese, Indian, Asli, British English, American English, dialects, popular mass media and plenty more, our unique English reflects our amazing diversity. Like a frothy teh tarik or a lip-smacking mouthful of divine durian, Manglish is uniquely Malaysian.

Manglish is an entertaining, funny and witty compilation of commonly used Malaysian English words and expressions. Whether Malaysian, expat, visitor or a fresh-off-the-plane Mat Salleh, you'll never be at a loss for words when conversing with Malaysians.

Dr Lee Su Kim is a Malaysian author, educator and cultural activist. She is the author of a trilogy of short stories on the Peranakans: Kebaya Tales, Sarong Secrets and Manek Mischiefs. Kebaya Tales won First prize in the Popular-Star Readers' Choice Awards 2011(Fiction).

Dr Stephen J. Hall is a multilingual New Zealander who has lived and worked in Singapore and Malaysia since...





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