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出版刊物 2025-02-10 1196 0


Keller Easterling is an award-winning wr it er, architect and Professor at Yale. She is the author of Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space; Enduring Innocence, which was named Archinect’s Best Book of 2005; and Organization Space. She is also the author of two essay length books: The Action is the Form and Subtr action . Her writing and design work was included in the 2014 and 2018 Venice Biennales. Easterling is a 2019 United States Artist Fellow in Architecture and Design and the recipient of the 2019 Blueprint Award for Critical Thinking.



Extrastatecraft controls everyday life in the city: it’s the key to power – and resistance – in the twenty-first century.

Infrastructure is not only the underground pipes and cables controlling our cities. It also determines the hidden rules that structure the spaces all around us – free trade zones, smart cities, suburbs, and shopping malls. Extrastatecraft charts the emergent new powers controlling this space and shows how they extend beyond the reach of government.

Keller Easterling e xplore s areas of infrastructure with the greatest impact on our world – examining everything from standards for the thinness of credit cards to the urbanism of mobile telephony, the world’s largest shared platform, to the “free zone,” the most virulent new world city paradigm. In conclusion, she proposes some unexpected techniques for resisting power in the modern world.

Extrastatecraft will change the way we think about urban spaces – and how we live in them.

Keller Easterling is an award-winning writer, architect and Professor at Yale. She is the author of Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space; Enduring Innocence, which was named Archinect’s Best Book of 2005; and Organization Space. She is also the author of two essay length books: The Action is the Form and Subtraction. Her writing and design work was included in the...





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