To keep programming productive and enjoyable, state-of-the-art practices and principles are essential. Object-oriented programming and design help manage complexity by keeping components cleanly separated. Unit testing helps prevent endless, exhausting debugging sessions. Refactoring keeps code supple and readable. PHP offers all this-and more. This book shows you how to apply PHP techniques and principles to all the most common challenges of web programming, including: Web presentation and templates User inter action including the Model-View-Contoller architecture Input validation and form handling Database connection and querying and abstraction Object persistence
Dagfinn Reiersøl 资深 软件 咨询师,有10年以上的从业经验, 设计 并 开发 了Web应用 程序 、Web内容挖掘软件、Web 编程 工具以及文本分析程序,其中绝大多数都是针对PHP的。他居住在 挪威 奥斯陆。
Marcus Baker 资深软件咨询师,多年来一直从事面向对象设计和开发以及Web程序开发和测试方面的 工作 。他同时也是PHP Architecture Magazine的专栏作家。
Chris Shiflett PHP软件咨询师、安全专家以及PHP社区的领军 人物 。他是PHP安全协会的奠基者,也是HTTP Developer’s Handbook和Essential PHP Security两本图书的作者。