From initial track laying through to mixing, sound design, and master ing Mark Cousins and Russ Hepworth- Sawyer bring you Logic Pro 9. By High light ing the relevant parts of each application they take you through every step of the music creation and production process giving you all the tips, tutorials and tricks that pros use to create perfect recordings. The book has full color screen shots illustrating the tools , functions and the new look of Logic Pro 9, and the companion website has audio samples and loops. Logic Pro 9 covers more than just the soft ware it will help you make the most out of every recording session, and will Illuminate and inspire you creative and sonic endeavors!
KEY COMMANDS- how to use them practically to create a professional session PRODUCTION FAQs- main text, box outs, instructional 'walkthroughs' and 'knowl edge bases' to help access info rmation clearly answers you need for common production specific problems METHODS- pro methods for successful recording and editing, including information on additional equipment and running smooth production sessions WEBSITE- audio examples, samples (Apple loops), logic songs, sampler instruments and instrument patches http://www.logicprobook.com/