One of the great novels of the twentieth century, Of Human Bondage tells a fascinating tale of sexual obsession. The story--taking its title from Spinoza’s Ethics: "Of human bondage, or the strength of the emotions"--follows Philip Carey in his search for free dom from the strict, oppressive Christian upbringing he suffered as an orphan in an English vicarage. Philip sets out on a journey of discovery that leads him to Heidelberg and to Paris. But it is back in London that Philip’s enthrallment with Mildred--the slatternly, pale w ai tress who makes him a slave to desire--awakens him to the world of obsessive love, deep passion, and true self-discovery, The unforgettable love story is as timeless as it is involving; an intimate tale of human relationships that Theodore Dreiser called "a work of ,genius."
威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)于18 7 4 年1月25日出生在巴黎。父亲是律师,当时在 英国 驻法使馆供职。小毛姆不满十岁,父母就先后去世,他被送回英国由伯父抚养。毛姆进坎特伯雷皇家公学之后,由于身材矮小,且严重口吃,经常受到大 孩子 的欺凌和折磨,有时还遭到冬烘学究的无端羞辱。孤寂凄清的 童年 生活 ,在他稚嫩的 心灵 上投下了痛苦的阴影,养成他孤僻、敏感、内向的性格。幼年的经历对他的 世界 观和 文学 创作产生了深刻的影响。
1892年初,他去 德国 海德堡大学 学习 了一年。在那儿,他接触到德国 哲学 史家昆诺·费希尔的哲学 思想 和以易卜生为代表的新 戏剧 潮流。同年返回英国,在伦敦一家 会计 师事务所当了六个星期的练习生,随后即进伦敦圣托马斯 医学 院学医。为期五年的习医生涯,不仅使他有机会了解到底层人民的生活状况,而且使他学会用解剖刀一样冷峻、犀利的目光...