Petra ten-Doess chat e Chu, Ph.D. (19 7 2), Columbia University, teaches art history at Seton Hall University (USA). A specia list in nineteenth-century art history, she has published widely. Her textbook, Nineteenth-Century European Art (Pearson, 2012), is used across the world. She is the founding Co- editor of the e-journal Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide (2002-).Jennifer Milam, Ph.D. (1996), Princeton University, is Head of the School of Culture and Communications at the University of Melbourne (Australia). Her publications traverse the creativity of the eighteenth century from French p ai nting and criticism to Russian gardens and chinoiserie, including the Historical Dictionary of Rococo Art (S care crow, 2011).
The complex interweaving of different Western visions of China had a profound impact on artistic exchange between China and the West during the nineteenth century. Beyond Chinoiserie addresses the complexity of this exchange. While the play ful Western “vision of Cathay” formed in the previous century continued to thrive, a more realistic vision of China was increasingly formed through travel accounts, paintings, watercolors, prints, book illustrations, and photo graphs. Simultaneously, the new discipline of sinology led to a deepening of the understanding of Chinese cultural history. Leading and emerging scholars in the fields of art history, literary studies and material culture, have authored the ten essays in this book, which deal with artistic relations between China and the West at a time when Western powers’ attempts to extend a sphere of influence in China led to increasingly hostile political inter action s.