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The Qur'an

出版刊物 2025-02-01 1074 0

The Qur'an



`'one of the best [translations] to have appeared in recent times'' Muslim News

`'accessible and compelling...a remarkable achievement'' New Statesman

Product Description

One of the most in fluent ial books in the history of literature, recognized as the greatest literary master piece in Arabic, the Qur'an is the supreme authority and living source of all Islamic teaching, the sacred text that sets out the creed, rituals, ethics, and laws of Islam. Yet despite the growing interest in Islamic teachings and culture, there has never been a truly satis factory English translation of the Qur'an, until now.

This superb new translation of the Qur'an is written in contemporary language that remains faithful to the meaning and spirit of the original, making the text crystal clear while retaining all of this great work's eloquence. The translation is accurate and completely free from the archaisms, incoherence, and alien structures that mar existing translations. Thus, for the first time, English-speaking reader s will have a text of the Qur'an which is easy to use and comprehensible. Furthermore, Haleem includes notes that explain geographical, historical, and personal allusions as well as an index in which Qur'anic material is arranged into topics for easy reference. His introduction traces the history of the Qur'an, examines its structure and sty list ic features, and considers issues related to militancy, intolerance, and the subjection of women.

Clearly written and filled with helpful info rmation and guidance, this brilliant translation of the Qur'an is the best available introduction to the faith of Moslems around the world.

马坚,伊斯兰教学者。字子实,1906年生,云南个旧人,回族。早年就读于上海伊斯兰师范学校。1931年被选送埃及爱资哈尔等校 学习 。此间著文《 中国 回教概观》,译《 论语 》为 阿拉伯 语。回国后主要从事《古兰经》及阿拉伯文著的翻译 工作 。1945年后,先后任云南大学、 北京 大学东方 语言 系教授。1949年9月出席中国人民 政治 协商会议,是第一、二、三、四、五届全人民代表大会代表。历任中国伊斯兰教协会常务委员,中国亚非学会理事。译著较多,出版的有《回教 哲学 》、《回教真相》、《伊斯兰哲学史》等。1978年逝世。





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