This revised and updated edition of a hugely successful book brings together the most valuable and stimulating writings on subcultures, from the early work of the Chicago School on 'deviant' social groups to the present day reasearch and theories. This new edition features a wide range of articles from some of the biggest names in the field including Dick Hebdige, Paul Gilroy and Stanley Cohen, and expertly combines contemporary essays and critique with classic and canonical texts on subcultures. Examining an eclectic array of subcultures, from New Age travellers, to comic book fans, The Reader looks at how they are defined through their social position, styles, sexuality, politics and their music , and this new edition gives express ion to the diversity of subcultural identifications, from scenes and 'tribes' to the 'global underground'. With specially selected articles, grouped sections, editor s introductions and a general introduction which maps out the field, it gives students and teachers of cultural studies an invaluable study aid.