Vineeth G. NairVineeth G. Nair completed his bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from Model Engineering College, Cochin, Kerala. He is currently working with Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. as a Senior Applications Engineer.
He developed an interest in Python during his college days and began working as a free lance programmer. This led him to work on several web scraping projects using Beautiful Soup. It helped him gain a fair level of master y on the technology and a good reputation in the freelance arena. He can be reached at vineethgnair.mec@gmail.com. You can visit his website at www.kochi- code rs.com.
Learn about the features of Beautiful Soup with Python
Extract info rmation from Google's home page
Understand how to use a simple method to extra ct information from websites using Beautiful Soup and the Python urllib2 module
Master searching, navigation, content modification, encoding, and output methods quick ly and efficiently
Try out the example code and get to grips with Beautiful Soup easily
Vineeth G. Nair
Vineeth G. Nair completed his bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from Model Engineering College, Cochin, Kerala. He is currently working with Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. as a Senior Applications Engineer.
He developed an interest in Python during his college days and began working as a freelance programmer. This led him to work on several web scraping proj...