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The Yahoo! Style Guide

出版刊物 2025-01-23 992 0

The Yahoo! Style Guide


WWW may be an acronym for the World Wide Web, but no one could fault you for thinking it stands for wild, wild West. The rapid growth of the Web has meant having to rely on style guides intended for print publishing, but these guides do not address the new challenges of communicating online. Enter The Yahoo! Style Guide. From Yahoo!, a leader in online content and one of the most visited Internet destinations in the world, comes the definitive reference on the essential elements of Web style for writers, editor s, bloggers, and students. With topics that range from the basics of grammar and punctuation to Web-specific ways to improve your writing, this comprehensive resource will help you:

• Shape your text for online reading

• Construct clear and compelling copy

• Write eye-catching and effective headings

• Develop your site's unique voice

• Streamline text for mobile users

• Optimize webpages to boost your chances of appearing in search results

• Create better blogs and newsletters

• Learn easy fixes for your writing mistakes

• Write clear user-interface text

This essential sourcebook—based on internal editorial practices that have helped Yahoo! writers and editors for the last fifteen years—is now at your fing ertips.





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