For more than 4 0 years, Principles of Neural Science has helped reader s understand the link between the human brain and behavior. As the renowned text has shown, all behavior is an express ion of neural activity and the future of both clinical neurology and psychiatry is dependent on the progress of neural science. Fully updated, this sixth edition of the landmark reference reflects the latest research, clinical perspectives, and advances in the field. It offers an unparalleled perspective on the the current state and future of neural science.
This new edition features:
Unmatched coverage of how the nerves, brain, and mind function
NEW chapters on:
- The Computational Bases of Neural Circuits that Mediate Behavior
- Brain-Machine Interfaces
- Decision-Making and Consciousness
NEW section on the neuroscientific principles underlying the disorders of the nervous system
Expanded coverage of the different forms of human memory
Highly detailed chapters on stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis
2,200 image s, including 300 new color illustrations, diagrams, radiology studies, and PET scans
Principles of Neural Science, Sixth Edition benefits from a cohesive organization, beginning with an insightful overview of the interrelationships between the brain, nervous system, genes, and behavior.
The text is divided into nine sections:
Part I: Overall Perspective provides an overview of the broad themes of neural science, including the basic anatomical organization of the nervous system and the genetic bases of nervous system function and behavior.
Part II: Cell and Molecular Biology of Cells of the Nervous System examines the basic properties of nerve cells, including the generation and conduction of propagated signaling.
Part III: Synaptic Transmission focuses on the electrophysiological and molecular mechanism of synaptic transmission with chapters on neuronal excitability, neurotransmitters, and transmitter release.
Part IV: Perception discusses the various aspects of sensory perception, including how info rmation from the primary organs of sensation is transmitted to and processed by the central nervous system.
Part V: Movement considers the neural mechanisms underlying movement and examines a new treatment that addresses how the basal ganglia regulate the selection of motor action s and instantiate reinforcement learning.
Part VI: The Biology of Emotion, Motivation and Homeostasis examines the neural mechanisms by which subcortical areas media te homeostatic control mechanisms, emotions, and motivation.
Part VII: Development and the Emergence of Behavior looks at the nervous system from early embryonic differentiation to the formation and elimination of synapses.
Part VIII: Learning, Memory, Language and Cognition expands on the previous section, examining the cellular mechanisms of implicit and explicit memory storage, as well as decision-making and consciousness.
Part IX: e xplore s the neural mechanisms underlying diseases and disorders of the nervous system, including autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and anxiety.
埃里克 R. 坎德尔(Eric R. Kandel)
2000年诺贝尔生 理学 或 医学 奖获得者,是 美国 著名的哥伦比亚大学 生物 化学 、分子生物 物理 学、生理学、细胞生物 物理学 和精神病学教授,是霍华德休斯医学研究所高级研究员,曾被授予美国国家 科学 勋章。
他于1929年出生于 奥地利 的维也纳,1956年毕业于美国纽约大学,获医学博士学位,1983年至今任哥伦比亚大学生物化学、分子生物物理学、生理学、细胞生物物理学和精神病学教授、霍华德休斯医学研究中心高级研究员,他也是美国国家科学院的成员。
2000年,坎德尔博士因其对神经 系统 学领域的开创性贡献与保罗格林加德共同获得诺贝尔生理学和医学奖。值得一提的是,他因在神经细胞 记忆 存储的生理学基础方面的研究获得这份殊荣。坎德尔博士还获得其他多个奖项,包括美国国家科学勋章、艾伯特拉斯克医学研究奖(Albert Lasker Bas...