This is an advanced text for the one- or two-semester course in analysis taught primarily to math, science, computer science, and electrical engineering majors at the junior, senior or graduate level. The basic techniques and theorems of analysis are presented in such a way that the intimate connections between its various branches are strongly emphasized. The traditionally separate subjects of 'real analysis' and 'complex analysis' are thus unit ed in one volume. Some of the basic ideas from functional analysis are also included. This is the only book to take this unique approach. The third edition includes a new chapter on differentiation. Proofs of theorems presented in the book are concise and complete and many challenging exercises appear at the end of each chapter. The book is arranged so that each chapter builds upon the other, giving students a gradual understanding of the subject. This text is part of the Walter Rudin Student Series in Advanced Mathematics.
Walter Rudin,1953年于杜克大学获得 数学 博士学位。曾行后执教于麻省理 工学 院、罗切斯特大学、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校、耶鲁大学等。他的主要研究兴趣集中在调和分析和复变函数。除《Real and Complex Analysis》外,他还著有另外两本 名著 :《Functional Analysis》和《Principles of Mathematical Analysis》,这些教材已被翻译成13种 语言 ,在 世界 各地广泛使用。