以Apple computer , 厨家具 品牌 Crate and Barrel , Bmw , Ikea等等的 广告 拿下许多大奖的洛杉矶的 摄影 师 Mark Laita , 除了在广告摄影界的活跃之余 (他的广告作品还更广泛的包括了adidas , mini-cooper , communication art杂志…等等),利用自己在广告界所培养的高超摄影 技术 以及高级器材之便,更跨界创作领域出版了像sea,watercolour(以先端的摄影技术记录了至少百种的美丽 海洋 生物 标本) , Created Equal… 等许多炙手可热且抢手的摄影集。他最新的摄影集「Serpentine」,将过去一年周游 美国 和中美洲等不同地点去挑战拍摄了许多被这个 世界 上号称最凶猛最致命的毒蛇肖像照。关于这一系列主题为世上最致命的蛇类摄影集,他说:“蛇的吸引力与它的危险程度成正比,外表越花哨的蛇,它的危险系数越高。这正是我感兴趣的地方。”
为了完成这本他心目中的摄影集,他足足拜访了不少稀有蛇类 收藏 家, 动物 园,甚至是毒蛇血清实验室等地方。不过不管花费的多少心思和辛苦,或许让人最惊叹且佩服的是他如何克服那种能够整日近距离接触这些世上最致命危险的生物的恐惧吧。
Photographer Mark Laita unveils a pantheon of surreal, twisted and beautiful snakes in this electrifying collection. Inciting both allure and alarm, rearing king cobras, shining pastel python s and vibrant green vipers slither across the page. From the iridescent Blue Malaysian Coral Snake to the candy cane striped Albino Honduran Milksnake, the aptly named Beautiful Pit Viper and the sinister Black Mamba, the world's most dangerous and gorgeous snakes are pictured in this book, showing off their fascinating colours and textures as well as the sensual forms their movement creates. Through Laita's lens, there is nothing they can do, no position they can take, that fails to be anything but mesmerising. Accompanying Mark's image s is an illuminating essay by William T. Vollmann, winner of the 2005 National Book Award for fiction. Vollmann delves deeply into the mythology and symbolism of the serpents that haunt our collective human imagination, exploring themes of beauty, danger and evil.
以Apple computer , 厨家具品牌Crate and Barrel , Bmw , Ikea等等的广告拿下许多大奖的洛杉矶的摄影师 Mark Laita , 除了在广告摄影界的活跃之余 (他的广告作品还更广泛的包括了adidas , mini-cooper , communication art杂志…等等),利用自己在广告界所培养的高超摄影技术以及高级器材之便,更跨界创作领域出版了像sea,watercolour(以先端的摄影技术记录了至少百种的美丽海洋生物标本) , Created Equal… 等许多炙手可热且抢手的摄影集。