In this witty and infectious book, Madsen Pirie provides a complete guide to using - and indeed abusing - logic in order to win arguments. He identifies with devastating examples all the most common fallacies popularly used in argument. We all like to think of ourselves as clear-headed and logical - but all reader s will find in this book fallacies of which they themselves are guilty. The author shows you how to simultaneously strengthen your own thinking and identify the weaknesses in other people's arguments. And, more mischievously, Pirie also shows how to be deliberately illogical - and get away with it. This book will make you maddeningly smart : your family, friends and opponents will all wish that you had never read it.
梅森·皮里(Madsen Pirie),亚当·斯密研究所(Adam Smith Institute)主席,曾为密歇根州希尔斯戴尔学院(Hillsdale College) 哲学 与 逻辑 学荣誉客座教授,经常以专家身份出现在CNN和BBC电视节目中。著有多本畅销书 ,包括《提高 你的智商》、《福尔摩斯IQ全书》,以及《谬误大全》等。
译者:蔡依莹, 台湾 高雄人, 英国 雪菲儿大学(University of Sheffield)翻译学硕士,任教于高雄应用 科技 大学 英文 系,翻译教师兼译者。
校译者:武宏志,现任延安大学政 法学 院教授, 中国 逻辑学会形式逻辑专业委员会委员。主要从事逻辑学的教学与研究 工作 ,发表 学术 论文110余篇,主要著作有:《谬误: 思维 的陷阱》《谬误论》《谬误研究》《批判性思维——以论证逻辑为工具》等。