A tale of love, money, and family conflict--among dragons
A family deals with the death of their father. A son goes to court for his inheritance. Another son agonises over his father's deathbed confession. One daughter becomes involved in the abolition movement, while another sacrifices herself for her husband.
And everyone in the tale is a dragon, red in tooth and claw.
Here is a world of politics and train stations, of churchmen and family retainers, of courtship and country houses...in which, on the death of an elder, family members gather to eat the body of the deceased. In which the great and the good avail themselves of the privilege of killing and eating the weaker children, which they do with ceremony and relish, growing stronger thereby.
You have never read a novel like Tooth and Claw.
舟•沃頓(Jo Walton)
出生長大於威爾斯,現住於蒙特利爾。以 奇幻 小說《和平王權》(King’s Peace)一鳴驚人,來自各界輿論,以及保羅•安德森(Poul Anderson)、羅蘋.荷布(Robin Hobb),以及肯•麥克勞(Ken McLeod)等奇幻以及 科幻 小說大師一致推崇。 二○○二年,舟•沃頓獲選為約翰.坎貝爾奇幻小說獎(John W, Campbell)《最佳新進作家》。二○○四年,她的最新作品《尖牙與利爪》,獲得 世界 奇幻文學獎(World Fantasy Award,簡稱WFA)年度最佳長篇小說獎。
編者按:作者本身對中華 文化 非常感興趣,因此央求香港朋友幫她取一個中文名字。好友為她取了「舟」這個字,作者非常喜愛。為此,她特地請代理轉告我們:「請務必為她保留『舟』這個字。」這就是為什麼Jo譯做「舟」的原因。