Ken Hultgren Former Disney animator offers expert advice--with over 700 illustrations--on drawing animals both rea list ically and as caricatures. Use of line, brush technique, establishing mood, conveying action , much more. Construction drawings reveal development process in creating animal figures. Many chapters on drawing individual animal forms--dogs, cats, horses, deer, cows, foxes, kangaroos, etc. 53 halftones. 706 line illustrations.内容简介
1958年夏,蓝犁在书店发现了一本新书: 美国 画家赓·赫尔脱格仑的《 动物 画技法》。他爱不释手,但家里一贫如洗。12岁的他就在重庆北碚嘉陵江边挑铁矿,个头小,又没有锻炼过,加上百级青石板路!肩膀被扁担压磨出血泡,脚板被铁矿渣刺破,血肉模糊,但一个多星期后,这本影响了 中国 画坛几十年,影响了蓝犁 人生 道路的书,终于拿到了手上。母亲猜疑书款来路不对,又急又气又心酸,当看到蓝犁的肩膀与脚板时,母子抱头痛哭!这是多少有点惨重与悲壮的 艺术 启程啊!
Ken Hultgren Former Disney animator offers expert advice--with over 700 illustrations--on drawing animals both realistically and as caricatures. Use of line, brush technique, establishing mood, conveying action, much more. Construction drawings reveal development process in creating animal figures. Many chapters on drawing individual animal forms--dogs, cats, horses, deer, cow...