Despite the ef fort s of regulators around the world who strive to improve accounting and corporate transparency, the financial info rmation they require to be disclosed no longer truly reflects the performance and value of business enterprise s. The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers empirically proves this statement and offers a new way of reporting that provides a truly transparent look at a business's vitality.
Today's financial reports provide a very small component of the relevant information investors and lenders need to wise ly put their money with high-potential organizations. Inside, the authors share their radical findings from examining quarterly earnings conference calls and investor meetings in four major economic sectors, revealing that a company's worth lies in the strategic, value-enhancing resources it holds rather than the traditional assets in corporate financial reports. This groundbreaking process is more than a way to avoid investing in companies with misleading financial reports; it's also proven to uncover the companies poised to capture major market share, but currently burdened by red ink on their books. The conclusions inside fly in the face of conventional investment wisdom and practice, but they were reached by extensive examination of real-world facts and, as you will see, proven in numerous case studies. This thorough resource gives you what you need to gain meaningful insight into a company, including:
A comprehensive system of economic indicators that evaluates the performance and long-term competitive position of business enterprises
A detailed proposal for how current accounting and reporting systems can be restructured to efficiently serve twenty-first century companies, investors, and lenders
Concrete steps to conduct your investment routine to align with the real driver s of business success