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Data-Driven Marketing

出版刊物 2025-01-13 749 0

Data-Driven Marketing


How organizations can de live r significant performance g ai ns through strategic investment in marketing In the new era of tight marketing budgets, no organization can continue to spend on marketing without knowing what's working and what's wasted. Data- drive n marketing improves efficiency and effectiveness of marketing expenditures across the spectrum of marketing activities from branding and awareness, trail and loyalty, to new product launch and Internet marketing.. Based on new research from the Kellogg School of Management, this book is a clear and convincing guide to using a more rigorous, data-driven strategic approach to deliver significant performance gains from your marketing. Explains how to use data-driven marketing to deliver return on marketing investment (ROMI) in any organization In-depth discussion of the fifteen key metrics every marketer should know Based on original research from America's leading marketing business school, complemented by experience teaching ROMI to executives at Micro soft , DuPont, Nisan, Philips, Sony and many other firms Uses data from a rigorous survey on strategic marketing performance management of 252 Fortune 1000 firms, capturing $53 billion of annual marketing spending In-depth examples of how to apply the principles in small and large organizations Free download able ROMI templates for all examples given in the book With every department under the microscope looking for results, those who properly use data to optimize their marketing are going to come out on top every time.

马克.杰弗里(Mark Jeffery)是凯洛格商学院( 美国 西北大学)的教授。他在 管理科学技术 杂志发表论文30多篇,在哈佛商学院校刊发表原创案例研究24个。在凯洛格商学院,他负责多个方向的课程,包括 数据 驱动的 营销 战略 、IT的战略驱动价值等,还为包括 微软 和杜邦等公司在内的多家客户讲授定制操作 程序 等课程。他还是Agile Insights LLC的管理合伙人、营销和技术咨询师。





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