General Editor:Hugh Beale QC (Hon) FBA, Professor of Law in the University of Warwick
Expert Contributors:
Andrew Burrows QC (Hon) FBA, Norton Rose Professor of Commercial Law and Fellow of St Hugh's College, University of Oxford
Mark Freedland FBA, Professor of Employment Law and Fellow of St John’s College, University of Oxford
Anthony Guest CBE QC FBA, formerly Professor of English Law, King’s College, London
Richard Hooley, Professor of Law, King's College London, and Fellow of Fitzwilliam College, University of Cam bridge
Eva Lomnicka, Barrister, Professor of Law, King’s College London
David McClean CBE QC (Hon) DCL FBA, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Sheffield
P.J.S. MacDonald Eggers, LL.B. (Syd.), LL.M. (Cantab.), Barrister, 7 King’s Bench Walk; Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales; Visiting lecturer, University College London
Ewan McKendrick, Barrister, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Herbert Smith Professor of English Private Law and Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford
Paul Mitchell, Reader in Law, King’s College London
Vincent Moran, Barrister, Keating Chambers, London
CGJ Morse, Barrister, Professor of Law, King’s College London
Dan Prentice, Barrister, Fellow of Pembroke College and Allen and Overy Professor of Corporate Law, University of Oxford
Francis Reynolds QC DCL FBA, Honorary Bencher of the inner Temple, Emeritus Fellow of Worcester College and Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Oxford
Sir Guenter Treitel QC DCL FBA, Honorary Bencher of Gray’s Inn, formerly Vinerian Professor of English Law, University of Oxford
John Uff CBE QC, Emeritus Professor of Engineering Law, King’s College London
Graham Virgo, Barrister, Professor of Law of English Private Law and Fellow of Downing College, University of Cambridge
Richard Whish, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature; Professor of Law, King’s College London
Simon Whittaker, Barrister, Fellow of St John’s College and Professor of European Comparative Law, University Oxford.
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General Editor:
Hugh Beale QC (Hon) FBA, Professor of Law in the University of Warwick
Expert Contributors:
Andrew Burrows QC (Hon) FBA, Norton Rose Professor of Commercial Law and Fellow of St Hugh's College, University of Oxford
Mark Freedland FBA, Professor of Employment Law and Fellow of St John’s College, University of Oxford
Anthony Guest CBE QC FBA, formerly Professor of...