"Whatever the task, whether keeping afour-year-old quiet in public, housebreaking a puppy,coaching a team, or memorizing a poem, it will go fast , and better, and be more fun, if you know howto use re info rcement."--KarenPryor.
Now Karen Pryor clearly explains theunderlying principles of behavioral training and throughnumerous fascinating examples reveals how this artcan be applied to virtual ly any common situation.And best of all, she tells how to do it withoutyelling threats, force, punishment, guilt trips--orshooting the dog. 8 methods for putting an end toall kinds of undesirable behavior. The 10 laws of"shaping" behavior--for results without strainor pain through "affection training."How to combat your own addictions to alcohol,drugs, cigarettes, overheating or whatever, how to dealwith such difficult problems as a moody spouse, animpossible teen, or an aged parent. Plus. ..House training the dog, improving your tennis game,keeping the cat off the table, and much more!
凱倫.布萊爾(Karen Pryor)
作家、動物行為學家、也是揚名國際的科學家,專精行為 心理 學和 海洋 哺乳動物 生物 學。她創立了美國夏威夷的「海洋生物 世界 」(Sea Life Park),是引領海豚訓練的先驅,她在該處結識了知名心理學家史金納(B. F. Skinner)博士及動物行為學家勞倫茲(Konrad Lorenz),並與二人共事。
布萊爾女士曾任美國政府指派的「海洋哺乳動物委員會」(Marine Mammal Commission)委員,並擔任過美國太空總署及國家動物園等多個組織機構的顧問,提供有關人類、動物之行為和學習的諮詢,曾任「劍橋行為科學研究中心」(the Cam bridge Center for Behavioral Sciences)的理事之一。
她的第一本著作《為寶貝哺乳》(Nursing Your Baby)已銷售兩...