It has been twenty years since the last edition of this classic book. Kevin Wainwright (British Columbia University and Simon Fraser University), a long time user of the text, has executed the perfect revision: he has updated examples, applications and theory without changing the elegant, precise presentation style of Alpha Chiang. Readers will find the wait was worthwhile.
蒋中一(Alpha C. Chiang), 美国 康涅狄格大学荣誉教授。
凯尔文·温赖特(Kevin Wainwright),任教于加拿大西蒙·弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser University) 经济 系及大不列颠哥伦比亚 技术 学院(Briish Columbia Institute of Technology)商学院,并担任大不列颠哥伦比亚技术学院工商 管理 学士项目主任。