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Logging in Action

出版刊物 2025-01-11 1075 0


Phil Wilkins has spent over 25 years in the soft ware industry. He works as a Technology Evange list for Capgemini, specializing in cloud integration, APIs, and related technologies. Phil is TOGAF certified, and recognized by Oracle as an Ace Director (independent technology advocate) for his contributions to the integration and PaaS comm unit y.

Logging in Action


Unified Logging with Fluentd is a guide to streamlining your log processing, turning logged data into a tool that will boost your application’s performance. It’s packed with tips and tricks on how proper Fluentd log management can improve your application’s security, speed, and cost-effectiveness. You’ll go beyond the basics of choosing your Fluentd plugins, and take a peek behind the scenes at how different configurations will impact and improve the way your systems function. By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to reliably configure Fluentd so that it can easily scale to handle even the largest data loads.

what's inside

Deploy Fluentd and Fluent Bit into varied environments

Configure Fluentd and Fluent Bit to solve common log problems

Fluentd for microservices

Connect a custom log source or destination with Fluentd’s extensibility framework

Create a custom plugin for niche problems

Logging best practices and common pitfalls

Phil Wilkins has spent over 25 years in the software industry. He works as a Technology Evangelist for Capgemini, specializing in cloud integration, APIs, and related technologies. Phil is TOGAF certified, and recognized by Oracle as an Ace Director (independent technology advocate) for his contributions to the integration and PaaS community.





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