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Operator Handbook

出版刊物 2025-01-11 924 0

Operator Handbook


The Operator Handbook takes three disciplines (Red Team, OSINT, Blue Team) and combines them into one complete reference guide. The book cont ai ns 100+ individual cheat sheet references for many of the most frequently used tools and techniques by practitioners. Includes content to assist the most seasoned cybersecurity veteran or someone just getting started in the care er field. The goal of combining all disciplines into one book was to remove the artificial barriers that only certain knowl edge exists within a "Team". The reality is today's complex digital landscape demands some level of knowledge in all areas. The "Operator" culture should mean a well-rounded team member no matter the "Team" you represent. All cybersecurity practitioners are Operators. The Blue Team should observe and understand Red Team tactics, Red Team should continually push collaboration with the Blue Team, and OSINT should continually work to peel back evidence of evil doers scattered across disparate data sources. In the spirit of having no separation, each reference is list ed in alphabetical order. Not only does this remove those team separated notions, but it also aids in faster lookup. Also almost every topic is covered in "How to exploit X" and "How to defend X" perspectives. Tools and topics covered: Cloud Services, Operating Systems, Mobile, OSINT, Ports, Forensics, Malware Resources, Defender tool s, Attacker tools, OSINT tools, and various other supporting tools (Vim, iptables, nftables, etc...). This handbook was truly meant to be a single source for the most common tools and techniques an Operator can encounter while on the job.





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