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The Origins of Analytical Philosophy

出版刊物 2025-01-10 894 0

The Origins of Analytical Philosophy


For half a century analytical philosophy has dominated professional philosophy in English-speaking countries. When contrasted with "Continental" philosophy, analytical philosophy is often called "Anglo-American." Michael Dummett argues that this is a misnomer: "Anglo-Austrian" would be a more accurate label, for analytical philosophy arose in the same milieu as the principal rival school of phenomenology. Furthermore, the two schools have the same roots. By reexamining the sim ilar origins of the two traditions, we can come to understand why they later diverged so widely, and thus take the first step toward reconciliation.

迈克尔・达米特( 1 92 5 ――), 英国 牛津大学教授, 当代 著名 哲学 家, 世界 闻名的弗雷格研究专家。主要著作有:《弗雷格的 语言 哲学》(1973)、《弗雷格哲学解释》(1981)、《分析哲学的起源》(1987)、《形而上学的 逻辑 基础》(1991)、《弗雷格的 数学 哲学》(1991)等等。




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