From burlesque show to fashion runway, magazine cover to web video , Dita Von Teese has undergone more strokes of red lipstick, bursts of hair spray, boxes of blue-black hair dye and pats of powder in a month than even the most auspicious drag queen would dream of in a lifetime. But whether she's swirling inside a towering martini glass in Swarovski-covered pasties and stilettos or turning heads on the red carpet, one thing is certain-for this self-styled fashion icon, beauty is an art. Now, for the first time in her care er, Dita divulges the beauty secrets that have earned her a frequent spot on international best dressed list s and high-pro file fashion show rosters. In "Your Beauty Mark", Dita takes reader s through every step of her many signature looks - from her perfectly coiffed hair to her flawless skin and makeup - and turns to experts and friends in the field for authoritative advice. With diet and exercise tips, info rmation on skincare, and tricks for brow shaping, lipstick application, eye shadow and more, Dita empowers readers with the skills, confidence, and inspiration they need to discover their individual beauty express ions. Lavish color photo graphs and gorgeous step-by-step image s make "Your Beauty Mark" the perfect holiday gift for anyone interested in classic style.
蒂塔·万提斯(Dita Von Teese)
她是继吉普赛·罗斯·李之后闪亮耀眼的香艳滑稽剧明星。作为 时尚 偶像及众多 艺术 家、 设计 师和 摄影 师的缪斯女神,她登上了多本杂志封面,同时是许多高端 品牌 的特邀嘉宾。她以美为事业,设计备受赞誉的香水和衣服,并担任自己巡回演出的执行制片人,这令她成为众多 女性 的榜样。她的图书作品包括畅销书《香艳滑稽剧与提斯的艺术》和《蒂塔:脱衣舞提斯》。如今,蒂塔和她的宠物 猫 阿莱斯特 生活 在 美国 洛杉矶观测 星空 的格里菲斯 天文 台的注视下。
萝丝·阿波达卡(Rose Apodaca)
时尚 文化 记者,设计作品及展览策展人、 零售 商。她是《女装日报》前西岸分社社长,还为《时尚芭莎》《W》《Elle》和《洛杉矶时报》撰稿。她同超级造型师瑞秋·佐伊合作,担任其出版图书的 创意 指导。如今,萝丝和她的先生安迪·格里菲斯还有他们那如 童话 般美好的女儿妮娜一起住在...