This title is winner of the FT Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 20 1 1. Why would a man in Morocco who doesn't have enough to eat buy a television? Why do the poorest people in India spend 7 percent of their food budget on sugar? Does having lots of children actually make you poorer? This eye-opening book overturns the myths about what it is like to live on very little, revealing the unexpected decisions that millions of people make every day. Looking at some of the most paradoxical aspects of life below the poverty line - why the poor need to borrow in order to save, why incentives that seem effective to us may not be for them, and why, despite being more risk-taking than high financiers, they start businesses but rarely grow them - Banerjee and Duflo offer a new understanding of the surprising way the world really works.
作者:( 印度 )阿比吉特•班纳吉(Abhijit V.Banerjee) ( 法国 )埃斯特•迪弗洛(Esther Duflo) 译者:景芳
阿比吉特•班纳吉(Abhijit V.Banerjee), 美国 麻省理 工学 院福特 基金 会国际 经济 学教授。曾就读于印度加尔各答大学、贾瓦哈拉尔•尼赫鲁大学及美国哈佛大学;曾任发展 经济学 分析研究局局长、美国 艺术 科学 研究院及计量经济学会研究员、古根海姆基金会及艾尔弗雷德•斯隆基金会研究员。获2009年度印孚瑟斯(Infosys)奖等多个奖项,曾任 世界 银行 和印度政府等多家组织机构荣誉顾问。
埃斯特•迪弗洛(Esther Duflo),美国麻省理工学院经济系阿卜杜勒•拉蒂夫•贾米尔扶贫与发展经济学教授;曾就读于法国巴黎高等师范学院和美国麻省理工学院;获大量荣誉:2010年度约翰•贝茨•克拉克奖,2009年度麦克阿瑟“天才”奖学金,...