Designed to cover beginning college levels of language instruction, "Uzbek: An Elementary Textbook" provides learners and instructors with a wide selection of materials and task-oriented activities to facilitate the development of language learning. It offers a thematically organized and integrative approach to the Uzbek language and its culture, including a functional approach to grammar, an emphasis on integrated skills development, and the use of authentic materials such as video s filmed in various regions of Uzbekistan. "Uzbek: An Elementary Textbook" contains one CD-ROM that includes authentic audio and video materials to accompany the text and integrated, interactive exercises and games, all in Flash format and all of which are keyed to the textbook. It includes a supplementary Cyrillic reader , an extensive glossary, and four-color illustrations and photo graphs throughout. Topics covered: The Uzbek alphabet, greetings and introductions, commands and requests, daily routines, etiquette, weather , family, money, food, clothing, travel, leisure, and medical matters. Minimum System Requirements: Intel[registered] Pentium[registered] III 1.2 6 GHz or faster processor (or equivalent); Mac OS 10.5 or higher, 512 MB of RAM, CD Drive, and, Speakers or headphones. On a PC, file s will load auto matically. On a Mac, double click on the disk icon. Then, double click on the program icon that looks like an "f" in a red square labeled "Uzbek."