在线 阅读 《First Among Equals》
Whether you have recently been appointed as a group leader or are a battle-scarred veteran, you know that managing professional people is difficult! In this unique handbook, Patrick J. McKenna and David H. Maister argue that leaders will best enable their people to achieve peak performance not by managing them, not by leading them, but by inspiring them. The authors show you how to actually add value as a group leader or induce people to accept your guidance, even with intelligent professionals who are often free -agents accustomed to having auto mony to work on grueling assignments with little supervision. They also give advice on how to handle those oh-so-talented but oh-so-annoying professionals who ex hibit attitude problems or are just exceedingly difficult to work with, when you need them but they tend to needle you. The lessons and learnings presented here will give you insights and action tips to help you provoke and inspire your people to their full potential.
帕特里克·麦肯纳(Patrick J. McKenna)
边缘国际合伙人,他拥有20多年为 全球 各地专业服务公司提供咨询的经历,在十几个国家至少为该国的十大律师事务所之一服务过。
麦肯纳在 加拿大 管理 学院获得MBA学位,是哈佛大学专业服务公司管理领域的首批校友,持有 会计 和管理方面的专业证书。
2005年,《管理技能》将其与彼得· 德鲁克 和沃伦·本尼斯一同列为“ 团队 领导力 顶尖 思想 家”。
大卫·梅斯特(David H. Maister)
国际公认的专业服务机构管理权威,为涵盖范围广泛的专业服务机构提供应对各类 战略 及管理问题的咨询建议。他的服务覆盖全球,他将40%的 时间 花在北美,30%的时间花在西欧,另外30%的时间则关注其他地区。
大 卫生 于 英国 ,拥有伯明翰大学、 伦敦 政治 经济 学院和哈佛大学的学位,并在哈佛大学担任教授7年。著有畅销书《专业服务公司的管理》《专业团...