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The New Science of Perfect Skin

出版刊物 2025-01-09 1185 0

The New Science of Perfect Skin


This book is about the New Skin-Care Revolution. The good news is that today there are products that really work. The bad news is that there’s never been more confusion and uncertainty about which products get results and which are a waste of money and time. Consumers are bombarded by enticing ads featuring models and celebrities with creamy, flawless skin; salesclerks spouting pseudoscience at cosmetics counters; and countless articles in women’s magazines puf fing up the Very Best New Thing each month. So how do you know what really works?

I’m going to tell you.

Because I understand skin- care products from the inside out, I can separate fact from myth, help from hype, and gems from junk and let you know what has been overpraised and overlooked. I’ll be naming names and telling tales of products that de live r and those that are little more than a puff of smoke and a funhouse mirror. I’ll explain the true breakthroughs in today’s skin-care science and the techniques that can truly rejuvenate skin. Ultimately, instead of succumbing to the “inevitable” aging process, you’ll find yourself with a fresh, natural beauty that continues to unfold with time.

So welcome to the New Skin-Care Revolution! Let’s get started.

—Daniel Yarosh, Ph.D., in The New Science of Perfect Skin





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